Thy Healing Body
Massage & Wellness in Longmont CO

Services & Rates

Quick Reference Page

General massage prices are as follows: 


$65 for 45 minutes

$75 for 45 minutes + 1 add on

$85 for 45 minutes + 3 add ons

$95 for 45 minutes + 5 add ons


$85 for 60 minutes

$95 for 60 minutes + 1 add on

$105 for 60 minutes + 3 add ons

$115 for 60 minutes + 5 add ons


$110 for 75 minutes

$120 for 75 minutes + 1 add on

$130 for 75 minutes + 3 add ons

$140 for 75 minutes + 5 add ons


$130 for 90 minutes

$140 for 90 minutes + 1 add on

$150 for 90 minutes + 3 add ons

$160 for 90 minutes + 5 add ons


$150 / 90 minutes


Samples of the add-ons are complementary on your first visit! This allows you to experience what they feel like.  Then, indulge in individual add-ons, or take advantage of package deals! 

All add ons are each $10 to keep it simple.  Add ons help to deepen and expand your therapy; helping your body to become more pliable.  CHOOSE WHICH ADD ONS YOU WOULD LIKE AT THE TIME OF YOUR TREATMENT.

🌺If you buy 2 you get one free!  (LUXURY PACKAGE --- 3 add ons for $20)

🌺If you buy 3 you get 2 free!  (ROYALTY PACKAGE --- 5 add ons for $30)


Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility.

Stretch & Percussion Massage

Keep your clothes on and no need for oil with this unique massage!  A few Thai massage stretches, mixed with Orthopedic Massage stretches and electric percussion massage.  From shy newcomers to longtime members of the therapeutic massage experience, this a great way to shake loose and leave refreshed.  

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get too uncomfortable. Keep in mind that soreness is pretty common after the treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session.

Orthopedic Massage

This therapy is treatment that helps with post-acute injuries, helps to bring posture toward a more neutral place, and helps to combat chronic pain. Working with Fascia, or connective tissue, this therapy can help the results of massage last longer and be more effective.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage is a style of bodywork designed specifically for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a time when a woman's body endures tremendous stress due to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Using various techniques specially developed for the expecting mother, Pregnancy Massage helps release the pain and discomfort experienced throughout pregnancy. The benefits are profound, including emotional support, the relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.  45 minutes or 60 minutes only.

Add On: Aromatherapy

$10.  High-grade Doterra Therapeutic oils are infused to create these lovely combinations. Pick your favorite, or choose a different one each time!  

$10.  CBD Aromatherapy. This one combines aromatherapy oil with the relaxing addition of CBD oil.

Add-On: Hot Towel Treatment

$10.  A cousin to hot stone treatment, introduce each part of your massage with a soothing hot towel to help get deeper into the muscles and warm your entire body.  Perfect for stubborn muscles or a chilly day!

Add On: Fascia Brushing

$10.  This lovely add on feels like little fingertips massaging your skin, helping to loosen up connective tissue, allowing muscles more room to relax and move.

Add On: Running Cupping

$10.  This technique uses suction, allowing deeper stretch of the fascia (connective tissue).  This allows for deeper relaxation of the muscles, especially chronically tight muscles and areas.  Cupping also helps release stagnant blood from the tissues.  A really nice addition to any treatment!

Add On: Foot Therapy

$10.  Great for tired, sore, and ticklish feet.  Each foot gets a hot towel and fascia brushing, with slower and deeper pressure, for extra relief!

Add On: Deep Blue Therapy

$10.  A cooling and warming doTERRA lotion; excellent for pain and soreness, with a refreshing scent. Applied to a few target areas.

Add On: CBD Gummy Massage

$10.  Increase your relaxation during your treatment with this 50 mg organic CBD gummy.

Add-On Package Deals

LUXURY PACKAGE: Three add-ons of your choice for $20

ROYALTY PACKAGE: Five add-ons of your choice for $30

Personal Yoga Therapy

45 / 60 minutes: $60 / $80

Through Certified Yoga Therapy, this personalized and private workshop-style treatment is tailored to your body and your current goals, to help you improve…

-muscle pliability

-better posture

-ease of movement

-decreasing pain

-efficiency and energy

-more space in the body


Treatment can include any or all of the following…

-breathing  techniques

-yoga poses

-flowing combinations of poses

-ways to re-center the mind

-voice/video recording to help you at home

-suggestions for further instruction and future improvements

-where to find/purchase accessories for home assistance

Chakra Therapy Treatment

45 / 60 minutes: $65/$85

Through Certified Chakra Therapy, this guided treatment helps you to clear out and revitalize your seven major chakras. These techniques can greatly assist you in repairing and healing your energy field. Learn techniques to take home to help you, such as…

-Locate and clear stress

-improve mental clarity and focus

-calm the physical body

-address, process and release emotions

-lift the spirit and energize the soul

-increase feelings of efficiency and harmony within.

Esoteric Treasure Map

90-120 minutes: $150

This fun combination of information includes:

Western Astrology, Chinese astrology, Numerology, Karmic Astrology, and some Western Astrology comedy, based on your:

-Birth name or adopted name

-Date of birth

-Time of birth with am/pm

-City and state of birth

You receive all of this information via text or email.  You are encouraged to look through it, and ideally read through it and have some questions ready that you may have, before we set up the time for 90 to 120 minutes of discussion, (either in my treatment space, over the phone, FaceTime or possibly Zoom).  This is where I like to answer any questions that I am able to, and help explain these different symbols and languages so that you can use your own map to move forward in your life, seeing more clearly the skills that you have and how to use them more efficiently.  If everything is energy, then perhaps seeing patterns more clearly, helps us to change anything we want about ourselves!  🤗

This is also wonderful information to keep checking back with every 5 to 10 years or so, just to see how you’ve progressed, and how things make more sense over time.

For 20+ years, I have always enjoyed how much insight each person gains into their own life, and how amazingly informative and enjoyable these sessions are!

Sacred Lomi Temple Bodywork

90 minutes: $150.00

Described as very integrative, this style of massage uses long flowing movements. Viewing the body as a whole, this massage can be quite delightfully invigorating AND relaxing!  The treatment room is on the warmer side; the massage includes hot towels and an uplifting Hawaiian card message of the day.
Soft, light incense and a touch of aromatherapy are optional.

🌟Two Hour MAGIC 🌟

120 minutes: $220

🌟INDULGE YOURSELF!  Two hours of massage, including Orthopedic, Swedish, and Deep Tissue. You’ll also enjoy any and all of the enhancements that you want; included!  Go for it, and treat yourself! 🌟